Donald Semora

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Donald Semora born (b) December 15, 1967 (d)... in Michigan, is the creator of the Alterverse, and the Alterverse Role Players Game Alterverse RPG, which is based off of this world he created for his book series. He lives in Michigan with his wife Tina and children.


To date Donald Semora has written and published the following works:

2008 The Gamers Saga (Initial draft) Omni Book Publishing (this work was stopped being published due to publishers errors, The publisher is closed now)

2010 Freya & Kord

2011 The Alterverse 2 Moon Press initially published this, however publication was ceased under this publisher due to the company being sold and the new owner closing the business.

2014 The Fairies of Curtis Road

2014 The Magical Land of Yett

2016 Alterverse Saga Book I - Dark Home

2017 Model Builders Handbook

2017 The Scale Model Builder

2018 Alterverse Saga Book I - Hand of Fate Book I of the Alterverse Chronicles

2018 Alterverse Saga Book II - Fates Deal Book II of the Alterverse Chronicles

2018 The Social Media Model Builders Guide

2019 The Alterverse Saga

2020 The Fairies of Curtis Road - Book II Revenge of the Snufflewumps To be release in the Spring of 2021

2020 The Alterverse Chronicles

2020 One Long Winter

2020 The Social Media Modelers Book - Flying Machines