Goblin Clans
The Goblin Clans
Goblins and Half Goblins tend to be members of clans. These are small to large groups that tend to help each other, and when needed band together to fight common enemies. Goblin Clans tend to have a varied and loose leadership structures which mainly revolve around who is the strongest. It is not uncommon to have the leader of a specific clan change several times in a decade or less. As the older a Goblin gets, they tend to be killed off and younger stronger ones take over.
There are literally hundreds of clans, however below is a list of some of the larger ones.
Stragmuffins: | 600 + |
Iron Breakers: | 500 + |
Blood Drinkers: | 200 - 250 |
Knuckle Benders: | 80 - 120 |
Skull Crackers: | 60 - 90 |
Each clan usually does not get along with other clans, and each one tends to have secret ways of communicating with each other. Clans also show other clans no mercy if a rival clan member is caught. However once a year all clans get together for the Goblin Conclave, this is a meeting where all Goblins can come with promise of safety and they all talk about how to ensure the safety of the Goblin race, and make plans for the coming year.